.... -- 1:25 AM; Saturday, September 24, 2005
haas... today went for choc buffet wif shao xian and yuen yin at fullerton hotel... was the first time there... haas... oh my.. so shiok..!! haa.. choco choco... =_= full lahs.. went to the loo alot of times.. guessed drank too much water.. had a great time there...
the toilet.. has many mirrors... damn... this gives me a chill.. the toilet door is heavily damped... it take such a long time to haf it closed... the urinal was huge.. as compared to those normal toilets outside.. haa...
wah laos.. go home that time missed the last train.. =_= so went to woodlands take cab home.. =_= was rather cheap la... 15 +++ oni... lalala.. must do EoM.. or else.. something bad will happen~~ =_=
promos coming..
hope can get at least 3 As.. and two passes for my languages...
learn to fly;
... -- 10:52 PM; Sunday, September 18, 2005
i dun look forward to sch tmr...
i think.. it will bore me out... despite the amt of maths lessons i haf.. no matter how much i enjoy maths.. i still think it will bore me out...
today i went studying.. hmmm.. i did some work... and then.. i and wj chatted for a while.. abt wad we're gonna be next time.. haa.. interesting.. chatted quite abit on it.. and i think im goin to be a teacher.. haa.. maths teacher i think... hmmm.. duno lahs.. i wan to do alot of other things.. but i dun haf the time to... hais...
nvm.. then today went home.. not that im racist.. but..it cant be helped.. i was on the bus wif half of the bus filled wif indians... okk.. the smell was overwhelming.. ya.. but.. i had to compromise.. =_= so sat there quietly.. and looked at my notes.. breathing thru my mouth......
nahs... shant tok anymore.. or else i will be sued for making racist comments...
i dun wan that to happen...
[LeAvE mE aLoNe...]
[i ReALy MeAnT iT...]
learn to fly;
... -- 11:55 PM; Friday, September 16, 2005
hmmm... ytd nv blog.. RUSH HMWK MAHS!!!
tons of them need to be finished.. ..... hais... ytd i ran for 800m finals... hais!! i lost to yinhou n mingbang.. grrr.. then get third.. i wanted a second!! ah!! hmm.. nvm.. next year.. next year... =_=... nothing much happen ytd.. but much happen today...
today morning had pe lessons.. and it was swiming.. WATER POLO!! haa.. so play... guess wad.. i scored a few awesome goals.. and so did hong shing and some others.. wahahaha.. it was damn hellya funny.. esp when it was yuen chit.. he got the ball.. and it seemed that the opponent (other class) was afraid of him.. and they kept moving back.. and when he reach a certain point and wanted to score.. he threw damn hard and then.. it flew above the goal.. =_= ok.. skipp this part..
then whole day do maths.. and then there comes a GP oral presentation.. =_=haa... 20/20!! wahaha... noe y? cos of the skit.. actually.. we din really spend much time doin it.. and we scored a full mark.. haa.. but hongshing's grp presentation got 19/20.. then miss lim told him.. information not enuff and then... hoing shing told her.. "wait wait wait... were u listening first.." hahaha.. so funny!!
then there comes the heats again.. i ran 1500m finals.. i got 3rd again.. =_= expected la.. cos.. jason n wenjin.. fast lei... shucks.. but this event.. taurus did very well.. =) 1st 2nd 3rd 5th all from taurus.. wahaha...
then got lantern festival celebration.. shucks.. it totally bore me out.. =_= ahs... my class stayed.. so i stayed.. =_=
so tired...tmr go study.. =_=
[im really getting sick of it..]
[get out of my sight]
learn to fly;
... -- 7:12 PM; Wednesday, September 14, 2005
today.. got halfday... =_=
went to SAFTI... hmmm.. initially.. i thot it was boring.. however.. when it got to the ICCT... it was finally fun.. we got to learn cool moves.. to 'subdue' the enemy... haa.. is bring down.. or self defence... hmmmm... so aliya tried on me... oh gees.. im like a dummy there for her to play wif her superduper defending skills....... =_=
and then.. went to check out those guns... touched those 4 weapons.. hmmm... learn some stuff.. and then went to food rationing... ok. this was the part where we all kept eating and munching.. and munching... and munchin... darren was sorta noisy... he was going.. "woh!! this is nice!!! u must really try..!!!!" and he went around taking different foods... hmmm.. i dun mind lahs.. but. his behavior was abit... over.. i think.. over reacted... hmmmm.. then we waited for the bus.. we waited and waited and waited and waited... during the wait.. the "tour guide" told us some ghost stories.. yea.. was nice.. and then... he talked alot.. and then the bus came... we alighted somewhere.. and went home from there. coss... NEAR MY HOUSE!!! but reached jp mus tell miss yap.. then we ended up walking at jurong point.. saw a few of my juniors... haa.. nafisa grown abit fatter... =X
tmr... im running 800m... seriously... i wanna win.. at least i wanna get a silver... no way for a bronze... i will try my best to run 2min 8s... no matter wad.. i must try my best to outrun those people...!! LoL... =X hmmm.. but is that possible.. im not quite confident abt it...
[i wan this to end]
[stop torturing me]
[i cant take it..]
learn to fly;
... -- 9:31 PM; Tuesday, September 13, 2005
hmmm... hais.. wen jin injure himself today...
hais.. terrible lahs....
felt abit guilty..
so long fren liao..
nv accompany him home...
b4 that..
i think i acted selfishly..
i dunno la...
im feelin guilty rite now..
learn to fly;
... -- 9:08 PM; Monday, September 12, 2005
nahs.. today sch sucked la.. haa...
hmmm.. lalala.. so sian...
today see ying ying juliana and nicholas run today for the heats today.. waha.. nic is fast.. =_= bleh... my turn is on thurs... wohs.. duno can make it not.. LoL.. hope can larhs...
terrible headache..=_= grr... =(
[ aLwAyS loOk On Da BrIgHt SiDe Of LiFe~~ ]
learn to fly;
... -- 8:10 PM; Sunday, September 11, 2005
bloody hell..
tmr got econs remedial...
4 hours again..
totally sick la..
hais.. mus wake up early for sch tmr... SIAN... =_=
learn to fly;
today study lo.. at mos.. with jenrine.. ahs.. we tok cock alot. din really study much.. finally.. i finish 5 chapts of physics.. wahaha... haf 10 more... =_=
den.. i saw something... guess wad..
my coach.. haa.. i chua dio la.. ya.. then i said, "jenrine!!! jonathan lei!!!" then jenrine started waving at him.. haa.. then i oso wave.. haa.. think he was wif his vball team ba..
today went back exceptionally early.. then walked around cwp to see see.. then i saw some phones.. i like making decisions to buy.. but duno which one larhs.. so i took k750i brochure, W800i, nokia 6680.. was finding N90's brochure.. but dun haf.. grrr... ya.. it cost $1088 larhs... with plan sumore.. wahs.. expensive...
so im like goin to save up that amt!! wahaha.. =_=
[sHuD jUs EnD iT oNcE n FoR aLL]
[oR sHuD i JuS cOnTiNuE...]
learn to fly;
hais.. i hafta change my piano teacher.. ='(
she's so like a fren to me larh.. grrr... and we tok cock all da time.. now hafta change bcos of diploma... hais.. but im not gona let it affect wad i wanna do...
im not going to let history repeat itself... NEVER!!
i will choose my own path.. my own route.. with my own hands...
but.. still.. i hafta thank her for bringin me to such a grade.. with me.. never taking grade 6 n 7 exams. LoL... eh.. i hit a grade 8 once!! ahaa.. =X
thank you miss kon!!!
im jus going to miss her.. =(
learn to fly;
this sucked totally...
pls grow up kids~~
grow up!!
ain't ur business.. stop diggin in...
mind ur own!
get lost..
grrr.. pissed off today... but the nite was lightened up by my 2/4'02 frens.. haa... so farni.. =_=
went to watch movie wif them just now.. hmmm.. i think im quite noisy in the theatre.. huiyin oso.. =_= we two talked like nobody's business.. okk.. heng da oso... haa..
i can be movie director liao.. thru out the movie.. i was making predictions.. wahaha.. all became thru.. i think the couple in front of me oso.. SIAN diao.. haa... huiyin oso.. then we started throwing pop corns.. haa.. then. that gk tried to scare in the theatre.. haa. but failed la.. i think i felt nothing thru out the movie.. LoL...
yea.. go slp now. tmr goin study..
learn to fly;
... -- 9:39 PM; Friday, September 09, 2005
i had my schedule all planned out.. and F***... idiotic PW... it's time wasting and totally lame... no sense of purpose at all larh... im not blamin my leader or sumthing.. im blaming PW... F F F F F F F F F F!!!
kaos.. pw.. shoo~~ waste time waste money..
i saw a guy on wheelchair on de road just now..
was on the bus..
cudn't help..
i saw a family..
they simply walk pass him!!
even the parents.. he was like having difficulties pushing his wheelchair up the mini curb.. and they just walk past hhim!!
one conclusion came into my mind...
fuckin idiotic singaporeans.. u cud see the hypocritical singaporeans via NKF.. got money use money... got strength use strength??? i bet the second part doesn't collaborate at all!! idiotic.. fukin assholes.. even the parents din do anything!?!? kao.. the NKF isn't abt it all... singaporeans wans to help? i bet NO.. they just call bcos of those pitiful images and feel sorry for them.. not simply wanting to help!! if they want to help.. PROVE IT VIA ACTIONS!! idiots.. bastards. bitches...
not oni that.. singaporeans have proven to be far more inconsiderate... kaos.. thye dunno the simple rule of.. letting passengers alight first on the mrt.. this has thus caused numerous "victims" to have missed their stop.. and also.. they have been hurting pple with their "strong" elbows... just to squeeze in that darn cabin... and oso.. KEEP LEFT ON THE ESCALATER!! cant u keep ur freaking big asses on the left and let pple hu r rushin move!!
one word to describe these singaporeans...
learn to fly;
hai... will i end up dropping econs...??
from the way i see it..
i think i will...
i dun think im enjoying studyin econs..
i fell as if im suffering under it...
i feel empty...
i feel blank...
i feel like some blank cds...
waiting for information to be stored..
i found the perfect information..
yet it was too big...
it was then not stored..
and lastly and sadly..
forgotten and gone...
learn to fly;
... -- 5:22 PM; Thursday, September 08, 2005
today's econs test is a disaster... im totally uninterested in taking today's test... so given the essay to do first.. wad comes into my mind first was..
"die liao lor.."
so just do and write as much crap as possible.. wohs.. nicholas more pro la.. qn 2 oni write on short para... =_=
and then we're given mcq and drq... the first question of the mcq struck me hard... omgg.. wads this qn asking abt!!?!?!? ah.. but its over..
im somewhat getting ready to drop econs.. hais... there goes my chance of getting a scholarship~~
bye scholarshipp~~
then on the way back.. i went to collect my score sheet b4 proceeding back home... hmmm my marks were almost the same for all areas... and the examiner actually told me to improve on my technical skills.. so.. i shall work on that... but.. wad's technical skills anyway?!?! hmmm.. looking at the comments.. i looked back to that day..
i cud've done better.. shucks... ah.. but it's all over.. im just heading for a diploma now.. whahaa.. =)
[ iM sIcK oF iT... ]
[ i WiLL sAy DiE... ]
learn to fly;
... -- 9:22 PM; Wednesday, September 07, 2005
went study at study room again... with the same few... =_=
din really study lahs.. tmr econs test.. kao.. nv study for it... im like so bored la.. it was rather noisy in the study room... esp xz n jo.. haa...
hmm.. charmed is damn nice..
i like piper.. she rules man.. haa..
[ nEvEr WiLl i aLLoW hiStoRy tO rEpEaT iTsEf aGaiN... ]
learn to fly;
... -- 9:58 PM; Tuesday, September 06, 2005
im scouting for phones!!
i wanna change phone!!!
hmm.. nvm...
learn to fly;
went studying today at the study room.. with jo xz wenjin.. bleh.. studied physics.. and abit of econs... (im so reluctant to study for econs..!!) today study room not many pple... so.. we're rather.. NOISY... esp jo n xz.. hu cant absorb any more information on BS i think.. haa... they brought their bfs along.. =_= nvm...
nothing much happen larh.. just study study n study...
ah.. no food!! im so hungry!!!!!!!!
[ MoVinG oN iS nOt aN oPtiOn... ]
[ iT's cOmpuLsaRy... ]
learn to fly;
... -- 10:05 PM; Monday, September 05, 2005
although holidays have started.. it doesn't seem to be.. i still hafta go back to school for extra lesson which last til 5 and starts at 8.. =_= i went back for econs lessons and maths lessons.. the day started in a way that im in no mood to study.. haa.. i coincidentally met yuen chit so asked him to walk to sch wif me and nicholas.. (i din leave wen jin out.. i tried to contact him but to no avail...) so.. reached sch and went to the classroom.. as usual.. i tried to break away from them and snatch seats.. (they always do that oso.. so it's a cliche to do such things within the 4 of us...) so i succeeded in doin so.. and then.. lessons started... kept talking with nicholas as if pow choo (my econs teacher) wasnt there... we were like.. in our own world.. and then.. pow choo kept staring at nicholas... oh man.. nicholas had charmed her.. haa.. ai ya.. we talked for 2 whole hours la... until lesson end.. haa.. maths lesson.. shant elaborate.. as usuall.. i enjoyed maths lesson the MOST...
celebrated li jun bday today.. durin the breaks given by miss yap n mr ma.. ( both our maths teachers ) haa.. while waiting for cake to arrive... went thru alot of trouble.. and while waiting.. i sat down with a few others at the stairs waiting for the arrival of the guest of honour chan li jun.. wahaha.. bday girl wad.. and then i found out some unspoken truth.. wherby im the last person in class to know.. besides.. HIM... not hanyong..!! but him... haa.. damn funny.. shant elaborate any further either...
so went home at 5 today.. went to library wif yuen chit n wen jin... to do some finding of sources.. and then go meet the girls at the station and go home together.. and then.. i went to jp.. and bought...............
erh.. got use anot? haa.. duno.. just buy lo.. 6kg one.. but i wan heavier... haa...
whatever.. i saw hengda's nick.. and was a little bit... duno how to put it.. i dun wanna land in such a plight like his.. i wanna be in the outcome i awn it to be.. so mayb i shall start now.. wahaha... =_=.. SERIOUS...
i shud take my first step soon.. else... =_=
[ iTs SoMeThInG i DuN wAnNa FaCe AlOnE... ]
[ dUn LeAvE mE... ]
learn to fly;
nonsensical post -- 8:43 PM; Sunday, September 04, 2005
minglee defines me as himbotic... and irritating.. mayb she meant it.. mayb she was joking.. i dunno...
so...?? hmmm.. i myself dunno y either... so mayb i shud stay away from her... and then.. it's fine not talking to her.. =) as if i will lose my life if i dun talk to her...
anyway... a note to minglee.. stop saying that im a himbo.. and irritatin..
it can be irritating for me to keep hearing those things...
learn to fly;
today went to play vball... wahaha...
nothing much relaly happen...
hmmm.. thinking of exams... i wud ponder why i chose to take up econs and not chemistry... and y m i such a fool to take up econs... just becos of the fact that im colour deficient.. i chose econs.. im really dumb...! hais.. no point thinking of it oso lah... i shud now try my best for promos.. hmmm.. if i really cant score.. i will drop but.. i hope to take up 2 S papers... maths and physics... if can get scholarship.. that wud be good.. =_= but ah... 3 A and 2 S papers.. is that possible??
ahs.. so fan~
hmmm.. nicholas told me abt N90.. hmmm.. is it good? haa... im gonna check that out.. wahaha...
[ iT's aLwAyS u... ]
[ tHaT's A fAcT...]
learn to fly;
... -- 10:48 PM; Saturday, September 03, 2005
managed to finish all my maths today... =_= wohs... tmr hafta finish econs ESSAY OUTLINE... grrr... stupid larh.. do so many essays.. as if got help... kaos...
hmmmm... now that i've passed my grade 8... im heading towards a diploma.. however.. it seems weird to continue going for piano lessons... =_= hmmmm.. and its like aimless... =_= wad m i to do now??!?!?!?
oh ya.. i made some plans.. if i were to be unable to continue to take up 4 subs... i will drop econs... and then... i will start working as a piano teacher... and charge low... =).. wahahaa... but isit possible..? i duno.. hmmm... im so sianed!! dun feel like bloggin today...
[iM hAtiNg U mOrE n MoRe eAcH dAy...]
learn to fly;
good news... wahahaha... -- 6:25 PM; Friday, September 02, 2005
last nite watched superstar for the third time i think... haa... well.. this isn;t the good news... wei lian won.. hahaa... KELLY is so ugly!!! and disgusting!!
"xie xie pin pan~~~~~" stop sa jiao-ing around la... YUCKS... i think the other girl was better lahs... oh ya.. ur zhao xing was horrible.. and u becoming second stephanie sun?? kaos... *vomit* dun insult sun yan zi...
whatever... just cant stand her larhs... er xin...
wohohoho........ today i recieved good news from my music teacher.. wahahaha!! i passed my GRADE 8!!!!! hahahaaa!!!! so happpy lah!! =_= though i did terribly that day... i passed!! haa... oops... but.. something bad is..... i dunno wad to do now with the grade 8 cert.. miss yap told me she wan me teach her.. haa.. and charge her less.. hmmm.. well.. im considering.. oops.. haa.. and mr ma oso.. wan me teach his son.. haa... oh ya.. they wan me perform for them let them see... omgg~~ haa...
okkkkaaayy... today had swimming for PE lessons.. wohs... swam like 16 'laps' (welll... taking the shorter side... i think is breadth) haa... use front crawl... wahs.. tired... i hate that stroke... haa.. difficult mahs... then after that played water polo... woooohoooo~~ my team won lah... *obviously* haa... hmmm... this is when i started to feel that jun hao is kinda like a selfish person.. hmmm... why????? the details i shant elaborate...
saw yuen yin today... wanted to call her ah pui... but i cant.. haa... so i call her... "oi!" haa... and asked her how she did for her piano... hmm.. she cock up oso... but hope that she will turn out like mine oso... a pass.. =)
[ gEt aWaY... ]
[ u R a NeEdLe iN dA nEcK ]
learn to fly;